3 “Secret” Benefits of Meditation

Rishi Dave
8 min readOct 13, 2020


Feeling calm and relaxed is not a benefit of meditation 😂 It is simply a by-product!

The benefits are far greater, their impact is life changing.

In this video I share with you 3 real-life benefits that most people are unaware of.

Online Course: Reshape Your Reality — How to Meditate like the Ancient Yogis & Transform your Life — https://www.meditatewithrishi.com/reshapeyourreality

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PS Below is the video transcript:

Namaste and welcome. It is Rishi here from MEDITATEWITHRISHI.COM And in today’s video. I’m going to share with you three practical, real-life benefits of meditation. Not the stuff that you’ve read about, “feeling calm and relaxed”, you know, in fact feeling calm and relaxed are not benefits of meditation. They are just by products. For example, you don’t go into the shower to get wet, right? You go to clean yourself, getting wet just happens naturally! In the same way, when you practice meditation, feeling calm and relaxed will just come. They are just by products. The real benefits are much bigger, life-changing. So let us get to it. What are these real life benefits? First one, really powerful, is You stop caring what people think about you. You know, the biggest dream killer right now is “What will people say ? What will people think?” We make so many decisions based on how society will react. You want to quit your job and start a business? Then everyone is saying ah, you know, you need security. It’s not safe. Think about this think about that. You want to do something positive. For example, you want to quit drinking, and just live live a clean life, more productive life, do something good for yourself, but then everyone’s going to think I’m boring. Everyone is going to say, you know, why are you being so boring? Why can’t you just have one beer or two beers? We start taking that seriously and not doing what we really want to do, You know, you want to go out in shorts and a t-shirt without makeup if you’re a girl. But no, what would people say, how would I look, what will people think? Who cares! The truth is they don’t care. No one, no one actually cares because they are just like you are, invested in themselves completely. When people are walking on the streets. What is going through their mind essentially is how do I look? This person is looking at me. What are they thinking? You know, how do they think I look blah blah blah, right. They don’t have the mental space to think about how you look, forget about what you’re doing in your life. So forget it. If they don’t care. Why should you? You need to do what YOU want to do! Right so meditation essentially first of all, It makes you realize that you are not this mind and this body, you are the self within, you are the essence within & that is your true nature. And to really be happy, it is that which needs to be nurtured. It is that self which needs to be focused on, not the outer covering. I’m not saying don’t take care of yourself. Of course, do look good, do what makes you happy. But remember that your true happiness is going to come from nurturing what is inside? Okay. So meditation will give you that realisation and help you stop caring what people think about you. Benefit number two, is that meditation will help you escape the matrix. What is the Matrix? The Matrix is the conditioning that Society has on you, you know, since we were kids, we’ve been told about, we’ve seen this construct, this model, there is a blueprint. I don’t know who’s written it. Okay, but you need to go to school, you need to go to university. you need to get a job in the corporate world or become a doctor or a lawyer and then you need to get married by a certain age. You need to have kids by a certain age. You know what? What most people don’t talk about is what is at the end of that ladder. Regret. Not for everyone not for everyone. But for a lot of people it is the regret of not living a life that was true to themselves, but living a life that others expected of them. You know, I’m not saying that it’s bad to work in the corporate world, to be a doctor or a lawyer. Of course not, those are really valuable things. Right and there are people that are really good at that. They are born to do that. You know, my my lawyer. for example, she is fantastic . She, you can tell she was meant to do what she’s doing. She does it from the heart and she does it to really really help people, right, and you can tell that people like that, that’s what they’re supposed to be doing. That is their calling. But it’s not everybody’s calling, you know, just because it has a high financial tag attached to it doesn’t mean that you know, we should be pursuing that. Because now more than ever, we live in an age where you can take anything, you can take anything, literally anything that you like and if you can think creatively enough you can build a a business out of it, you know not just make a living but actually make a contribution in this world! A positive impact so that when you reach the end of that ladder, the end of your life, it is not regret, but it is victory and gratitude that you feel. How about that? Benefit number two is that meditation will help you decondition from what society is talking about and what they think about how life should be lived. It will help you discover your uniqueness, your own purpose and give you the courage to follow through and to live that life, to live your best life. Meditation can do that. Okay number three, benefit number three is that it will help you build a connection to the Universe, to God, to that universal energy. However you wish to call it. One of the biggest problems in the world right now is people are disconnected. You know, they don’t believe that there is an energy out there an intelligence, Divinity essentially that is responsible for a lot of things. A fly does not move without Divine Intelligence being present there. It cannot. Okay. So the reason I’m saying this is that stress is a big part of our Lives, when things go wrong, we get stressed out. We worry, will things get better? Take this pandemic right now for example right. When you have faith, when you have unshakable faith, when you know that there is there is, there is a higher power at play, these two things happen. 1) when you have faith, you believe that you will be taken care of. Okay, and number two. You also have the knowledge that if bad things are happening in your life. It’s not personal. It may be some previous Karma that you’re paying off. Okay, but there are things that you can do essentially to change that. There are things you can do to change that. I’ll do a whole video on Karma later. But the point I’m trying to make is when you have that lens, for how you see the world, and the things that are happening, it changes your view completely and you stop getting stressed out about things. Because there is nothing to get stressed about, everything is happening the way nature intended to happen. And if you want to change your life, you know that there are things you can do, there are ways in which you can live. To give, is one of them. And things will change for you without a doubt without a doubt, because every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You may not see the fruit immediately, but you will see it, and that is a law. That’s not me saying it, that is a law. (Karma) Okay, I digress, that but the point I’m trying to make is when you have faith, when you know that you will be taken care of. That there is a higher power. There is an order to things. When you really know that, then things don’t stress you out. Then things don’t stress you out because you know that if I do the right thing continuously, then I’m on the path to essentially creating what I want to create, and I will get what I want to get without a doubt. Okay, so that faith is really really important. And meditation, because it connects you to your inner-self which is Divinity itself. You can essentially have that connection. You can speak to it. You can have your questions answered, you can open yourself up to Blessings. There’s so many things that are possible and I’m saying this because, well I’m saying it from experience. It’s really really really powerful. Okay. So let’s do a quick summary. Benefit 1) You stop caring what people think, you live your life, you live you’re best life. Benefit 2) you escape the matrix, you remove that conditioning from society, and you bring out your uniqueness. And live that uniqueness in this world with full confidence, full courage, full clarity. And 3), it increases your faith in the universe. In God, in Divinity. And when that happens you look at life with a completely different lens — and you have an abundance mindset. You have an optimistic view of what is going to happen, how things are going to turn out regardless of what anybody else is saying or doing, and that is really powerful. Nothing can phase you and that’s that’s what we want. Okay. So there you have it. These are the real life benefits of meditation. Now I want to close by saying that look, if you are interested in learning how to practice, how to really, you know, there’s a difference between practicing and practicing effectively. Okay, so if you want to bridge that gap for yourself, I have created an entire course called how to meditate like the ancient Yogi’s and transform your life. It has has been shot, been filmed in the Himalayan jungles. It covers the yogic practices that will help you prepare your body, prepare your mind, and essentially open up — clear the blocks and connect to that uiversal energy and bring your best life. . Okay, so check that out. You can check it out on the website MEDITATEWITHRISHI.COM. That is all for today. Thank you. Namaste.



Rishi Dave
Rishi Dave

Written by Rishi Dave

Yogic wisdom for a peaceful life

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