How to raise your vibrations (permanently)

Rishi Dave
7 min readNov 13, 2020


In today’s video, part 3 of the Diwali Series, we conclude by answering the million dollar question, How do you raise your vibrations? Even when you’re in lower states like depression, stress & anxiety!

It is not one thing, but really a lifestyle approach, so in this video I take you through

1) What to do &

2) What NOT to do 🤪

Even though I’ve been practising meditation for over 5 years, I was cancelling out the effects by equally doing so many low vibration activities!

To ensure you don’t make the same mistakes I did, I’ve created this video with a lot of love, and contains actual things I have added and removed from my life.


PS if you want more content like this then sign up to for free!

Peace & Love


Video Transcript

Welcome back to part 3 and in this part as promised. I’m going to give you the answer & share with you How to Raise your Vibration, even if you’re in the low level states of depression, stress, anxiety, whatever it may be. Okay. Now look there are many things you can do to raise your vibration and it is not one or the other. Ideally we want to be doing as many of them as possible — fill our day simply with high vibration activities! And avoid the things that lower our vibration. So now I’m going to take you through what to do what, are the things that raise your vibration and also what to avoid, what are the things that lower your vibration? So let’s get to it. Okay. Now this is MEDITATEWITHRISHI.COM — You know what I’m gonna say the — number one most powerful thing, and really, really it is the most powerful way to raise your vibration. Number one is meditation. Why? Because quite simply the entire process of meditation was designed to raise your vibration — to take the (spiritual) energy from the lower chakras to the higher chakras, which is in other words raising your vibration. Okay, so it is really really powerful and this must be practiced every single day. It’s not a lot. It’s not a luxury! A lot of people think you know, it’s a luxury — it’s like oh yeah going for a yoga class once a week. No. Meditation is something that must be practiced every single day if are serious about raising your vibrations. Okay. Now the rest of them, in no specific order — doing pranayama doing the breath work exercises that are flooding our body with Prana, the life force, the universal life force and getting rid of toxins. Okay. Yoga — yoga poses again, really good. Praying, of course! High Vibe Foods. I’ll do another video on that later. But if you do a simple Google search, you will get an idea of what high vibration foods are — plant-based, natural, Wholesome foods! Laughing — laughing and just having a laugh with your friends, with your family, it is you know going to a comedy show, watching comedy/funny shows on Netflix instead of violent stuff, right that is really going to raise your vibration because it’s all about becoming open and happy. Spending time in nature — again spending time in nature is where everything is at its purest. The Prana, the universal life force that you can take in from nature is nowhere else. I’m sure you know this but spend time in nature, a lot of it. Then, spending time with family and friends. And you know not all of them (lol), right the ones that make you happy, the ones that you like spending time with not the ones that bring your mood down. Spending time with family & friends every single day, if possible. And then playing, dancing and just becoming a kid. I’ve just come back to Kenya and I’m going to be here for a few months and I recently started playing Cricket again in the evening like I used to when I was in school — and I can’t tell you how happy that makes me, hahaha. You know, trust me just playing a sport with a bunch of people is amazing for raising your vibration. Okay? So have a look at these — take a picture if you want or a screenshot and and just save this. Fill your day with as many of these activities as possible as many of them as possible. Okay. Now let us go to what to avoid. These are things that would bring down your vibration. So what we want is to avoid doing something I used to do a lot in the past. — To do a lot of this work (high vibe) right, and then cancel it out by doing a lot of this (low vibe) stuff. So alcohol — brings down your vibration, drugs bring down your vibration. Meat. The energy in meat is is negative energy. Okay, because it has been, you know you the animal has been killed. Okay, and when it was killed it was in a state of fear, and that energy (of fear), don’t be mistaken, gets transferred into that food. The food that you’re eating right and look, I’m not looking down on anybody. I used to eat meat for a lot of years. Okay, but meat is something that lowers your vibration. So if you can, slowly, try to avoid it. Watching and reading the news now, this is one that you know, look a lot of news, not all of it — But a lot of it is negative! And starting your day — imagine most people start their day not meditating & praying and looking within, but actually scrolling news! Which is just negative. You know, this Bomb Blast here, this person raped here, This person killed there. The economy’s down. Is that what we want to wake up to? No, that’s not what we want to wake up to. So this should be avoided, or you should be selective, you know be selective in what you actually spend your time on. So that’s something with time you can cultivate and then you know movies that are violent, music that is violent. It’s more subtle, but when you start meditating you really start, You really start understanding or feeling how things actually affect your internal State. And violent music, I mean I used to love gangster rap. I used to love it. Right I used to thrive on it. I used to work out to it. But now, I can’t listen to it, it’s just I don’t I don’t like it that much anymore. So this is something you’ll notice. It will lower your vibration. It will make you feel more Angry, you know you when you thrive off that kind of music you can become somebody that is quite, quite hot tempered right. Not all of the time, but it does it does affect you. Right. So that’s something — just so you know, you don’t have to do it. But just so you know it does affect your internal state. And then a BIG one is gossiping. Oh my God, avoid gossiping at all costs. Gossiping, when we gossip we are speaking negative things about somebody else behind their back. It just creates a lot of negativity in us. lowers our vibration — really bad habit, but really really hard to stop. So definitely try to avoid gossiping and this will give you a nice way to look at. you know, when I’m gossiping, who am I gossiping with and those people (that I’m gosspiping with), should I be spending as much time with them if all they do is Gossip. So that’s something that you can slowly cultivate. It’s fun just to see you know, who in your life is contributing more to this than others, right? And then of course junk food, processed foods. These are things that lower your vibration. So have a look at this — take a picture or a screenshot and for now just begin to become aware of these things. You may essentially you may want to start here (meditation), then start adding the stuff into your life as you start enjoying this process. You can slowly start eliminating these (low vibe) things and remember, it’s not a race. You don’t need to do it all in one day, Do it slowly, enjoy the process & a great place to start is meditation because it will make you more aware. Aware of how you’re actually feeling inside and automatically you will want to stop doing these (low vibe) things and do more of these (high vibe) things. Okay, so these are some powerful ways to raise your vibration when you are feeling down in the dumps or, when you’re feeling even at a neutral State. (ALWAYS CONTINUE ELEVATING). How do you elevate how do you raise your vibration? These are the things you should do and this is what to avoid. Okay now I want to close by saying that to start off here with meditation… I am somebody that would love to help you. There’s a lot of ways to explore, there’s an online course called Reshape Your Reality — How to Meditate like the Ancient Yogi’s and transform your life. You can check that out online. Okay, if you just want to sit at home and watch at your own pace. I’m doing online classes on Zoom as well. So every Wednesday every Saturday morning, I’m running an online class. And specially for this Diwali this — Sunday 15 November 2020, I’m running a special Diwali abundance meditation using a mantra and meditating upon the Divine Mother Lakshmi. So if you’re interested in that then you can join on Sunday. You find the details on MEDITATEWITHRISHI.COM Okay, so that is it now look thank you for listening. I know it’s been a long video. Okay, but I hope you understand Who is Lakshmi? What is this energy of abundance? Why is it so difficult to obtain or create abundance? Remember the mistake that we make, the mistake that we make is trying to get to a high vibration try to get a High Vibe outcome from a low vibrational state. So that’s what we should not do. We should instead focus on our only job — to raise our vibrations and these are the activities that you should do. And these are the activities that we must avoid essentially. So that is it. I really hope that was helpful. Thank you for listening. Namaste



Rishi Dave
Rishi Dave

Written by Rishi Dave

Yogic wisdom for a peaceful life

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