The #1 reason you lack abundance

Rishi Dave
5 min readNov 12, 2020


In today’s video, we will explore the number 1 mistake that people make when trying to create abundance, in any area of their life.

Yesterday we discussed why creating Abundance is difficult, and the symbolism & nature of Goddess Lakshmi, the personification of the energy of abundance

- so if you missed that video, do check it out.

What we focus on, grows! So this Diwali, and everyday, let’s focus on gratitude for what we have, watch it grow, and share endlessly.

Peace & love


PS the next ONLINE meditation class is on Saturday, you can book at

Video Transcript

Welcome back. So in part 1 we look at what is the energy of abundance? Who is the Goddess Lakshmi? And why is the process of obtaining abundance, obtaining Lakshmi so difficult, right? We explored why it is so difficult and what we want to do now in part 2 is look at what is the mistake that we make when trying to create this abundance in our lives? So it’s really really simple. Now, because the process of obtaining Lakshmi or obtaining abundance, creating abundance is so difficult, What does it do? It puts us in a low vibrational state so we begin to feel stress, anxiety, at the worst case — depression. If we think others are doing better than us, we can feel jealousy, hatred or envy and if we’re trying really hard and it’s just not working then we feel anger & frustration. Okay, so we often feel these low vibration emotions. Here is the mistake that we make — when trying to create abundance, and for this we need to look at or understan how energy works, how vibration works, and the Law of Attraction. So really simply a really easy way to look at it is that energy is made up of vibrations. Okay, and another way to look at it is in our body, in our being, this is represented by the emotions that we feel — our emotional state. Is equal to our vibrational state. So when we’re feeling these low-level emotions, we are in a low vibrational State and the mistake that we make is that we try from this low vibrational state to attract High vibrational things! Like money, like good health, like happy relationships, or the perfect partner. So this is the mistake — just write this down and just get it in to your mind. The mistake is that we try to go from a low vibration state to attract something that is high vibration. Now — it is not possible because the Law of Attraction simply states that like attracts like. So to get something, we need to be vibrating at a similar frequency. So what are the high vibrational frequencies? To high vibrational frequencies are these, when we feel content, when we feel joyful, love, sharing, when we feel gratitude — such a powerful one gratitude and the highest state of them all which I hope me and all of you reach in this lifetime is Enlightenment! Enlightenment is the highest state — essentially when You are essentially in this state, Then your life is totally abundant. You are completely merged with divinity. Okay, so you get the problem. right? So the question then is, because when we’re in these states what we’re attracting is these low vibration things that we don’t want. Not all of them, right, but some of them, you know different for different people. Lack of money, unhappy relationships, disease, a disconnection from God, a disconnection from the universe essentially. Right? So the whole point of this video, the whole point of this video is if we are feeling this (low states) and hence we cannot attract this (abundance) what do we do? So here’s the answer, here is the answer. Okay, the answer is that we have to shift our thinking from saying that if I’m here (low state) — I will first get money or get my ideal partner THEN feel good. I will get something, THEN feel good. No, that is incorrect. It doesn’t work like that because it is a vibrational mismatch. So what we want to do instead is we want to shift our vibrational state, our emotional state. Our only job, our only job is to get from here (low vibe states), to here (high vibe states. Because when we are here it becomes much easier. To attract these high vibrational things, does it mean that you just you become grateful and automatically things will fall in your lap? Is that what it means? Maybe… if there are blessings. Because when you’re in these states then you open your heart up, you open your energy centers up to receive blessings from the universe. So yes, it is possible, but that’s not what I’m saying. I’m not asking you to rely on blessings. I’m saying that when you are in these high vibe states, you are more chilled out. You can be more creative. You can be more resourceful to get yourself out of whatever situation you’re in, which whether its financial, or relationships, or any other. Okay. So once again, the point is that we are not going to say I will first get money or get my partner and then be happy. No. Our only job is to feel gratitude, to feel love, to feel happiness first and then we put ourselves in the frequency — we open ourselves up to receive these. Make sense? Great. So now the question is, the million-dollar question is how do we get from low vibration to high vibration? If I’m here because I cannot pay my bills, if I’m here because I cannot pay my rent, if I’m here because I’ve had ten really bad relationships and I’ve lost faith in the opposite sex. How do I get to here? How how do I do that? It’s not possible. It’s impossible right? Wrong. It is totally possible. And I’m not going to leave you hanging. We now going to answer how do you raise your vibrations and put yourself in this frequency? We do this in Part 3, so I’ll see you there. Thank you.



Rishi Dave
Rishi Dave

Written by Rishi Dave

Yogic wisdom for a peaceful life

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